Bio identical Hormone therapy Englewood, FL - Renewal Hormone Clinic

Importance of Hormone Balance

Hormones are essential chemical messengers that regulate many critical bodily functions and maintain overall health and wellbeing. When hormones fall out of balance, whether due to natural aging or other factors, numerous unwanted symptoms can occur. Restoring optimal hormone levels through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) offers an effective way to alleviate troublesome symptoms and help patients feel their best.

Overview of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones naturally produced in the human body. This allows them to bind with receptors and mimic the function of endogenous hormones. BHRT utilizes individually tailored combinations of bioidentical estrogens, progesterone and/or testosterone to restore balance and offset the decline of hormones that occurs with age.

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Take control of your hormone balance today!

Candidates for BHRT

Both men and women can benefit from BHRT to resolve unsettle symptoms caused by hormone imbalance. Key signs that may indicate the need for BHRT include:

Low Testosterone in Men

- Decreased energy and endurance - Loss of muscle mass - Weight gain, especially abdominal - Declining mental sharpness - Emotional changes like irritability - Erectile dysfunction

Menopause in Women

- Hot flashes - Night sweats - Vaginal dryness - Sleep disturbances - Mood changes like anxiety/irritability - Weight gain - Brain fog, memory lapses

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

Comprehensive lab testing is essential to accurately diagnose hormone imbalances or deficiencies. Blood tests and salivary assessments provide key biomarkers ABOUT a patient’s hormone status to enable precise, personalized treatment plans. Ongoing monitoring ensures optimal hormone levels are achieved and maintained.

Key Lab Tests

- Estradiol - primary estrogen hormone - Progesterone - regulates menstrual cycle & pregnancy - Testosterone - key sex hormone in both men and women - DHEA - precursor of estrogen and testosterone - Thyroid hormones T3 & T4

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are structurally identical to the hormones naturally produced by the human body. However, the FDA does not regulate compounded bioidentical hormones in the same way as approved pharmaceutical drugs, so quality and safety standards can vary between pharmacies.

Bioidentical HRT Treatment Overview

Prescribing Considerations

- Age, symptoms, medical history - Results of vital lab tests - Nutritional status, lifestyle factors - Goals for therapy – relieve symptoms, achieve optimal wellbeing

Hormones Frequently Prescribed

- Estradiol - for menopause symptoms like hot flashes - Progesterone - restores natural balance with estrogen - Testosterone - boosts energy, sexual health, muscle mass - DHEA - supports brain, immune and metabolic function

Delivery Methods

- Oral capsules - Sublingual drops - Transdermal creams/gels - Injections like pellets or shots

Ongoing Patient Care & Monitoring

- Follow-up visits & lab testing - Adjust prescriptions based on patient response/lab results - Provide supportive treatments like customized nutrition plans

Take control of your hormone balance today.

Restoring Estrogen Balance

Declining estrogen is the hallmark of menopause, necessitating estrogen replacement to resolve symptoms. The optimal approach utilizes natural, plant-based bioidentical estrogens like estriol and bi-est rather than synthetic ethinyl estradiol.

Key Functions of Estrogen

- Regulates menstrual cycle - Maintains bone density - Benefits heart health - Supports skin collagen/elasticity - Boosts neurotransmitters - serotonin/endorphins - Regulates body temperature

Bioidentical Estrogen Formulations

- Bi-est - Estriol 80% Estradiol 20% - Tri-est - Estriol 80%, Estrone 10%, Estradiol 10%

Note: Estrogen should always be balanced with progesterone.

Why Progesterone Matters Too

Progesterone works synergistically with estrogen throughout the menstrual cycle. It facilitates regular ovulation/periods and prepares the body for pregnancy. During peri-menopause, progesterone typically declines before estrogen, causing an imbalance. Restoring optimal progesterone levels regulates estrogen dominance and ensures hormone homeostasis.

Vital Roles of Progesterone

- Regulates menstrual cycle - Maintains pregnancy - Fosters embryo implantation - Counters effects of estrogen - Promotes thyroid hormone function - Aids adrenal gland function

Micronized progesterone derived from wild yams is biochemically identical to the progesterone produced naturally by the ovaries. It effectively binds progesterone receptors with minimal side effects compared to synthetic progestins.

Bioidentical Progesterone Options

- Progesterone capsules - Progesterone sublingual drops - Progesterone cream

Why Testosterone Matters for Women Too

Although known as the “male” hormone, testosterone plays an integral role in a woman’s overall health. Testosterone levels progressively fall over time, contributing to unwelcome symptoms like low libido, fatigue and weight gain. BHRT can successfully restore testosterone levels in women to resolve deficiency concerns.

Key Roles of Testosterone in Women

- Governs sex drive/libido - Builds lean muscle mass - Boosts energy levels - Lifts mood and cognition - Promotes bone density - Aids heart health & metabolic function

Benefits Reported by Female Patients

- Increased energy/stamina - Improved mental clarity - Better mood/outlook - Higher libido - Enhanced sense of wellbeing

Note: Careful monitoring ensures testosterone levels remain within the normal healthy range for women.

TRT – Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men

Testosterone is equally as vital for men, with levels gradually declining at a rate of about 1% per year after age 30. Low testosterone, clinically termed hypogonadism, has been linked to a wide array of unwelcome symptoms affecting quality of life.

Signs of Low Testosterone in Men

- Reduced muscle mass - Increased body fat - Low energy/endurance - Decreased libido - Erectile dysfunction - Loss of mental sharpness

Testosterone replacement therapy utilizing bioidentical testosterone can successfully resolve low T symptoms.

Benefits of TRT for Men

- Increased energy/vitality - Improved concentration - More motivation/drive - Higher libido - Enhanced sports performance - Greater muscle mass - Better mood regulation

Note: HCG may be incorporated to maintain testicular function, sperm production and natural T production during TRT.

Testosterone Delivery Options

- Intramuscular injections - Subcutaneous pellets - Transdermal gels/creams - Buccal tablets

Treatment Considerations for Optimal Results

Lifestyle Factors Impacting Hormone Balance

Diet, exercise, stress management and other lifestyle measures profoundly influence hormone levels and function. A comprehensive integrative approach addresses underlying causes of imbalances, such as blood sugar dysregulation, inflammation and toxins.

Key lifestyle recommendations:

Complementary Therapies & Testing

TRT should not be viewed as a “one size fits all” approach. Thorough evaluation and customized, multi-modal protocols achieve the best results.

Key components include: - Comprehensive blood, saliva & urine testing - Evaluation of GI function – food sensitivities, gut microbiome - Nutritional optimization - Stress hormone evaluation – cortisol, DHEA etc. - Combined therapies like PRP, peptide & IV therapies - Ongoing fine-tuning based on patient response & lab testing

Timing Considerations for Optimal Response

When considering BHRT, it is also important to evaluate seasonal fluctuations. As seasons and weather patterns impact hormone production, this can determine the ideal times to start treatment for maximum patient benefit.

Best times for starting therapy: - Spring - rising daylight cues brain to elevate hormones - Fall - declining daylight signals hormone production

Note: Allow several months for full therapeutic effects. Most patients need ongoing therapy long-term.

Finding the Right Clinic for You

Seeking care from an experienced hormone therapy specialist is imperative to achieve safe, effective treatment. Key credentials, attributes and services to look for include:

Practitioner Credentials

- Specialized training in endocrinology, anti-aging medicine - Member of age management medical societies - Proficiency in customized bioidentical hormone therapy

Clinic Attributes

- Comprehensive testing capabilities - Access to high quality compounded hormones - Integrative, complementary therapies - Collaborative team approach

Range of Services

In addition to foundational hormone balancing, optimal clinics offer: - Nutritional counseling - GI microbial testing - Stress/cortisol evaluations - Peptide therapies - PRP treatments - Myers Cocktails, glutathione IVs - Medical aesthetic treatments

A multi-therapy approach under the guidance of a seasoned anti-aging specialist provides the greatest potential to resolve troublesome symptoms, restore wellness and recapture vibrancy.

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